Monday, September 28, 2009

Sweeter Than Chocolate Week Three

Keeping in line with my thoughts that I am not here to be slick but that I am here to serve, I hope that you get a kick out of how this post was put together! I'm still laughing! I could at least have given you something other than my keyboard and notebook to look at... (don't even ask... I mean that, don't even ask!)

Just know that I love you and am walking the STC path right along with you. I don't have time to proof this post, so unless I have made a spiritually and biblically dangerous goof, just deal and enjoy your week in God's Word, Sweeter Than Chocolate!
(your sister in Christ, Miss Malteser Flake)

Remember to take the time to do your initial Overview of the 5 stanza's that we will be studying this week. You will find that the questions in your Workbook will guide you through this and you will glean much that will add to your understanding in the days ahead!

Read through the first 10 stanzas of Psalm 119, replacing every synonym for 'Word' with 'Word'.

VAV v.41-48
- Read 2 Timothy 3 and discuss VAV in the light of it, keeping in mind "him who reproaches me" (v.42)
- mark the purpose clause 'so' in v. 42
- what are God's lovingkindnesses?
- what is God's "salvation according to His Word"?

ZAYIN v.49-56
- from the context so far, what is the affliction of the psalmist?
- discuss the phrase "in the house of my pilgrimage" in v.54
Is this house the same for the psalmist as it is for you?

HETH v.57-64
- make sure you mark "according to" throughout Psalm 119 and throughout your Bible
- discuss the scope of "considering my ways"
What would, could, should this lead to? (Think of v.26)
- in the light of v. 63 what is the difference to be between a COMPANION and an ACQUAINTANCE?

TETH v. 65-72
- in v. 65 discuss what it means that God has dealt with His servant "according to His Word"?
- in v.66 "for" is a purpose clause mark it and discuss what implications arise because of this purpose clause regarding belief or the lack of it.
- discuss what you have learned regarding AFFLICTION from v.67-68, 71

YODH v.73-80
- according to v.73 explain how you were "made" and "fashioned"
FASHIONED = KUWN it is a primitive root, meaning that it cannot be confused with any other Hebrew word (ex: in English trunk can mean the base of a tree or a piece of luggage or the nose of an elephant or the back of a car)
FASHIONED/KUWN means to be erect, to stand perpendicular, to set up; to establish; to fix; to prepare; to apply
Discuss this (you girls that went through the year long study in Romans with me can begin pulling on your understanding from that study in context with this!)
- according to v.74 how should our hearts be positioned to respond to our brothers and sisters in Christ? Why?
- spend time discussing your completed homework assignment on pg.60-61

Enjoy your study this week girls - and I look forward to seeing you in Bible Cafe!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sweeter Than Chocolate Week Two - Approaching God's Word


2 Timothy 3:16 - All Scripture is God breathed

2 Peter 1:2-3 - All that we need for life and godliness comes through the true knowledge of God; it is a knowledge that involves the heart
- Remember that God is not looking for scholarship; He is looking for relationship
- We will see in this week of study that we are to be women who know the Word of God and treasure the Word of God in our hearts
- The way we approach God’s Word is crucial
- All Scripture is God breathed

Hebrews 4:12 - God’s Word is alive
- It is a living Word
- Every time we open the Bible to read or study,
God’s Word comes to us with a warm breath;
fresh from the mouth of God

Isaiah 55:10-11 - God speaks an accomplishing Word over us
- Every time you open the Bible
- God is about accomplishing something in you
- Accomplishing a good work in you
And He will be faithful to complete it
- He is equipping us for today
and for what lies ahead
- Know that whenever you open your Bible
that God’s mouth is about to breathe a FRESH Word on you


2 Peter 1:2-3 - “His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness… through the true knowledge of Him…”
- The moment we are born again
Receiving Jesus as our Lord and Savior
Having acknowledged in humility through confession and repentance
our sinful state and His death on the cross as payment of our sin
We are at that very moment INDWELT by the Holy Spirit
- The Holy Spirit is the power that 2 Peter is talking about
God speaks to us through His Spirit
And it is His Spirit that leads us into all truth
- Now that we are INDWELT
Ask for God for the INFILLING of the Holy Spirit that we might
“behold wonderous things from His Word”
- Many times this is the missing link when we open the Word of God
And so it remains dry to us


- Don’t just read God’s Word… respond to it!
- Remember God is about relationship… not just scholarship!
- Lost in Leviticus or Numbers TELL HIM
Ask Him to give you understanding
This may come through your study group, your pastor or by continued study
- What if you are suddenly hit by a spirit of unbelief?
Ask Him to increase your faith Mark 9:24
- If you have trouble staying awake and alert during Bible reading TELL HIM
God already knows
Yet when we open our mouths to Him – we are living in full on relationship!
Psalm 15:7 - God will instruct our hearts even when we sleep
But when we awake in the morning and whenever we approach His Word
We need to be talking back!


- Jesus tells us in John that He is the Bread of Life and the Living Water
- Psalm 107:20a says that God “sent forth HIS WORD and healed them."
You and I are sanctified, set apart, by God’s Word 1 Timothy 4:5
You and I are healed by God’s Word Psalm 107
God’s Word is the Word of Life
God’s Word is Living and Active Hebrews 4:12
- John 8:31 tells us that those that continue in His Word prove themselves to be His disciples!
Let’s CONTINUE in His Word!


Aleph: How does Aleph define the blameless?

Beth: How do I become this person?
- Discuss ways that we can treasure God’s Word in our hearts
- What has the heart to do with the propensity to wander?

Gimel: Here we see the first glimpse of opposition
- How is the servant described?
- How is the opposition described?
- Discuss why we are in need of counsel
- Discuss the common counselors of our culture today

Daleth: Called the stanza of ‘the path’ or ‘the way’
- 'Way' or 'ways' is used 13 times throughout Psalm 119
- 5 of those 13 are found in Daleth
- Discuss the changes in the psalmist from v.1 to v.32?
- Discuss why this change occurs

He: Read Deuteronomy 6:5-9
- Discuss the attitude of heart that is needed in knowing God’s Word
- ‘Heart’ is a keyword throughout Psalm 119
- If you have not been marking every occurance of it including synonyms
go back and do so
- Then write down what you have learned regarding the heart
in order to better answer the question
- read again v. 37 and discuss what is meant by ‘vanity’

Daleth: Taking all that you have learned so far from Psalm 119
- discuss the FALSE way in comparison to the TRUE way

Have a great week in His Word!

I’ll be dropping by the Bible Study Café and look forward to meeting with you there!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Where Three or More Are Gathered...

I just had to share the first Sweeter Than Chocolate! gathering that happened Tuesday evening at Linda P's home.

Our first week is well underway and I can hardly describe to you what it did to my heart when I saw these three beautiful women gathering for the 'soul' purpose of pursuing intimacy with God through His Word and fellowshipping with their sisters in the joy of it all... I am still tearing up as I write this - my cup is overflowing.

I will let you hear of this evening in Linda P's own words...

So here we are at our first Sweeter Than Chocolate gathering. It was definitely sweet. We missed our other half but look forward to having the three of you next week. Here's a sneak preview of our group.
The weather was so perfect once again so we spent the first half hour walking in the garden and sipping our coffee. We met in the guest cottage and spent some time reading Psalm 119 together and doing some writing in our journals.
Our first writing prompt was "What sweeter than chocolate means to me..." and second, a little more intimate was, "If your soul is a landscape describe what it looks like during this season of your life."
Glenna's description of sweeter than chocolate had our mouths watering and our souls thirsting for God's Word.
This was just our ice breaking evening so now we are on track to do our first week of homework. I think you will find it very self explanatory, especially if you view Cathie's video before you start the workbook. Like she says, just enjoy the experience. Tuesday nights are low key and relaxed and there is no right or wrong. We are making our way together.
Looking forward to seeing you next Tuesday at 7:00. (Oh, yes. The girls talked about it and we will wind it up at 9:00 to accommodate the working gals.) Also, while I am in Ontario Glenna will host the Tuesday evenings in Langley. And one last item of business....we will each take a turn bringing a chocolate treat. Glenna will bring one next week.
Bye for now.
From left: Glenna, Linda, Patricia

Enjoy your time in God's Word this week girls and in fellowshipping together On-Line, in person or both! Know that I am praying for you and studying right along with you, trusting God with us every step of the way!

Lord, open our eyes that we might behold wondrous things from Your Word; may Your Word become our very soul's delight. Psalm 119:18,77

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sweeter Than Chocolate-Week One Introduction

Welcome girls, to Sweeter Than Chocolate!

Remember to get familiar with your STC! page - check out the Sidebar Links and for quick and easy access to Bible Study Cafe, simply click its link.

Read through pg. 2 of your workbook under "How To Use This Study". I would suggest that for this first week you complete the main study text and then if time or inclination allows, going back and going deeper.

Find the level of study that brings you joy, healing and sweet refreshment… not guilt! Just make sure you stay in the Word every day, don't try and complete the entire week in just one sitting, do a little every day.

Don’t let the word "inductive" bind you up or freak you out! Inductive Bible Study simply means that the Bible is going to be our main source of Truth. We only look at the commentaries and insights of others after we have studied the Word of God for ourselves.

Inductive Study involves 3 basic disciplines:
a. Observation - What Does The Bible Say?
b. Interpretation – What Does The Bible Mean?
c. Application – Living in the light of it

Each week Bible Study Café participation comes after your completion of your homework. Videos will be posted on Mondays to accommodate those groups meeting earlier in the week, but are to be viewed only after completion of homework.

This week’s Interactives:
1. Discuss with your group (including On-Line):
a) your view of the Bible entering into this study at this particular point in time
b) how much do you read it
c) have you found it’s claims to be true
d) what are some difficulties you have found in trying
to study/read it
e) has the Word shown itself to be sweet in your life?

2. a) In v. 1-8 who does the psalmist focus on?
b) Under what circumstances will the psalmist not
be ashamed?
c) What does the word “blessed” mean?
d) Discuss what it means to be “blameless”
with no “unrighteousness”
e) How does Psalm 119:8 fit with Deut. 31: 5-9?

Enjoy your study this week girls!
And remember…
man does not live on bread alone,
but on every Word that proceeds out of the mouth
of God
Hang on His every Word!

Can hardly wait to meet with you in Bible Study Café!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sweeter Than Chocolate Giveaway!

I have recently made this lovely and elegant Beaded Bookmark especially for you registered Sweeter Than Chocolate girls! All the cream and clear coloured beads have come from our own Angie's Auntie Jean, so this particular Giveaway has a very special meaning indeed.

I have always used ribbons as my bookmarks, but have just recently been smitten by the look and feel of ... beads!

Remember, every time you visit the Bible Study Cafe and leave a comment during our Sweeter Than Chocolate study, your name will go into the drawing for this lovely Beaded Bookmark!

with love,