Keeping in line with my thoughts that I am not here to be slick but that I am here to serve, I hope that you get a kick out of how this post was put together! I'm still laughing! I could at least have given you something other than my keyboard and notebook to look at... (don't even ask... I mean that, don't even ask!)
Just know that I love you and am walking the STC path right along with you. I don't have time to proof this post, so unless I have made a spiritually and biblically dangerous goof, just deal and enjoy your week in God's Word, Sweeter Than Chocolate!
(your sister in Christ, Miss Malteser Flake)
Remember to take the time to do your initial Overview of the 5 stanza's that we will be studying this week. You will find that the questions in your Workbook will guide you through this and you will glean much that will add to your understanding in the days ahead!
Read through the first 10 stanzas of Psalm 119, replacing every synonym for 'Word' with 'Word'.
VAV v.41-48
- Read 2 Timothy 3 and discuss VAV in the light of it, keeping in mind "him who reproaches me" (v.42)
- mark the purpose clause 'so' in v. 42
- what are God's lovingkindnesses?
- what is God's "salvation according to His Word"?
ZAYIN v.49-56
- from the context so far, what is the affliction of the psalmist?
- discuss the phrase "in the house of my pilgrimage" in v.54
Is this house the same for the psalmist as it is for you?
HETH v.57-64
- make sure you mark "according to" throughout Psalm 119 and throughout your Bible
- discuss the scope of "considering my ways"
What would, could, should this lead to? (Think of v.26)
- in the light of v. 63 what is the difference to be between a COMPANION and an ACQUAINTANCE?
TETH v. 65-72
- in v. 65 discuss what it means that God has dealt with His servant "according to His Word"?
- in v.66 "for" is a purpose clause mark it and discuss what implications arise because of this purpose clause regarding belief or the lack of it.
- discuss what you have learned regarding AFFLICTION from v.67-68, 71
YODH v.73-80
- according to v.73 explain how you were "made" and "fashioned"
FASHIONED = KUWN it is a primitive root, meaning that it cannot be confused with any other Hebrew word (ex: in English trunk can mean the base of a tree or a piece of luggage or the nose of an elephant or the back of a car)
FASHIONED/KUWN means to be erect, to stand perpendicular, to set up; to establish; to fix; to prepare; to apply
Discuss this (you girls that went through the year long study in Romans with me can begin pulling on your understanding from that study in context with this!)
- according to v.74 how should our hearts be positioned to respond to our brothers and sisters in Christ? Why?
- spend time discussing your completed homework assignment on pg.60-61
Enjoy your study this week girls - and I look forward to seeing you in Bible Cafe!
Welcome to Bible Study Cafe Girls! Pull up a chair and enjoy your time with your sisters!
Where is everybody???lol, WendyL
Hi Wendy, I agree with you - where IS everybody? Summer in the Psalms was loaded with sister's insight and sharpening one another!
I am thinking of changing the format beginning this Monday, foregoing the Interactives and just posting in print form my own observations from Psalm 119 and perhaps that can begin the discussion. I am finding it so rich and full and desperately meaningful... am I alone in this?
Well, I for one just returned home from a wonderful week (5) days on Vancouver Island at the Dolphin Resort in Campbell River with my lovely daughter Lana and four other girls. It was a wonderful holiday...spending time with my daughter, enjoying some quiet time,catching up with old friends and basking in the glorious surroundings of God's see you tomorrow at 9;30 a.m. for our gathering of Psalm 119.
Hi Edna - Welcome Home! It sounds like you had a really enjoyable time away with your daughter, I have never been to the Dolphin Resort but it sounds like a really great place to have a little retreat... I am thinking plenty of fresh air and walks and late night chin wags late into the evening! I am envisioning you with a view over the I close?
Hope you have a great study tomorrow, I will be praying for you all first thing in the morning (prayer is a great antidote to my major withdrawal symptoms!
All for Him and in His Name,
Hi Girls,
I am missing my sisters as they study together this morning. I have been praying for you and I want you to know that you have been in my heart all morning as I have been cleaning my "neglected" kitchen. Marnie and I had a meaningful study last night. What lacked in quantity was more than made up for in quality.
I would like to share a few thoughts with you. I had started this weeks study last Thursday and had marked off a few verses that jumped out at me. As I was busy over the weekend I did not get back into it and felt dissatisfied with my study. I had a wonderful day with my "companion" Edna and last night when I sat down with Marnie it all came together. I will try to give you the shortened version of what God had waiting for me to "unwrap as His gift" to me this week. I had marked as further study "affliction", had highlighted Vs:46 and had written down that Vs:57 is so beautiful! On Saturday I had the honour of speaking at Sharon's memorial. This was not my comfort level but I had such a strong desire to share the beauty of her life and point to Jesus! The room was overflowing with people and though I did not stand before kings, God gave me everything I needed to accomplish His Purpose, and HE WAS my portion! I bend my knee to Him in thanksgiving. Then I had the lesson of "affliction" that Edna and I witnessed in our precious "sister in Christ" Takako.
Though not strong physically she poured us tea and served us a delicious Japanese dessert and then shared how GOOD GOD IS. She was praising the Lord just as the psalmist does in Vs: 68. Her face reflected such joy and contentment. Takako is experiencing the "Lord's Portion" and what a testimony she is!
Takako, we continue to hold you close in prayer.
I am a very contented girl today, as my most Precious Lord and Saviour has once again opened my eyes. I look forward to hearing from the rest of my "sisters".
Love, Angie
Hi Angie,
That was just beautiful. God is so amazing - all of your examples fit in so well with this week's study and although it surprises me it shouldn't have because I know that God is continually working in each one of us. To think that you could relate this to your week was fantastic. Like you said I came alive today in the group meeting but sure missed you and Marnie! Got to go because I am on fire and need to send another message!
Hi CAthie,
I literally just came from our group and feel so excited and alive. I was having so much trouble trying to do the first two weeks on my own due to company and just didn't feel right as I really need people contact to discuss things. I went away with my head just swimming and can't keep it all to myself.
It seems we are all finding this quite a lot to do in just a week and feel rushed. It was nice to know the others felt the same way. But all in all we all agreed that we are sure getting something out of this study. And as Margaret mentioned some things are worth working at. We all enjoyed discussing the things you asked us to discuss. I am still not too sure what you were wanting us to get from your question "what is God's salvation according to His Word". We came up with salvation means: deliverance, help, safety, victory, freedom from trouble and decided that this is what is meant by His Word that he will give us this. Are we on the right track?
We didn't have time to discuss how we were fashioned and was wondering if you could expand on this.
I am just so excited right now and hope others will start to interact in this cafe. I remember in the summer it took a while so please don't give up on us.
Also one last thing- some of the ladies think we will be doing Revelation next and quite a few of us feel that it would be too hard to study without a teacher. Any comment?
Hi Takako,
It was so nice to hear from Angie and Edna about their lovely visit with you yesterday. Edna said she felt so inspired by your faith in God and that you just glowed with your love for Him. Even though we hve not had a chance to meet, you are an inspriation to me as well. This week in our Bible study we learned about how God can give us an affliction that can make us stronger in our faith and it sure has with you. I continue to pray for you and can't wait till we can meet.
Cathie, we(Joan,Wendy,Debbie,Edna and I) all met today and love your interactives and use them in the time we have together.
We all seem to be a little overwhelmed by the length of it as most of us like the side bars and the digging deeper aspect more than the study itself.
I particularly enjoyed going into digging deeper on page 54 talking about the relationship of belief and obedience.
You cannot have belief without obedience or obedience without belief, and we cannot believe without faith which is given of God to us when we ask Him.
As Debbie was saying when people ask why God does not stop certain disasters often these people dont believe in God anyway and dont understand the concept of sin in the world. I'm kind of rambling on here but I want to get the ball rolling for discussion on the blog.
We love you Cathie and miss you, but we are determined God will be honored amongst us as we learn more about Him together,and share our insights.Let me know if what I have said is correct.
I am laughing so hard! I just wrote out a comment and when I went to post it - I was refused! Refused! Great big red letters came up stating that I was only allowed 4,096 characters and no more! First thing I thought of was Psalm 119:96. Next thing I thought of was... why not 4,097? I am still laughing!
Catch my comment on the STC Main Page!
Luv you all silly!
Our bible study just slipped by and I left feeling encouraged and looking forward to week 4. Week 3 was a hit and miss for me, several of my pages were blank when I turned to them, time along with other choices and putting "it" on the back burner while I did "whatever" prevented me from successfully getting into wk 3 no whinning here, just a fact. The last night I clicked on and found Cathie's discussion questions and enjoyed searching for answers nad finding answer to other questions as well.Once again Joan was a fountain of information with her word studies and provided us with so much insight..thank you Joan, you have no idea how much you help us.
I need to tell you what an inspiration Takako is. If each of you girls could just meet this lady you will be blessed. Not only is she a kind and gentle creation of God her love for Him shines through her in her soft voice, praising Him for His everlasting lovingkindness.
One of the study words for today. What joyful experience is was to meet her and be a part of her day. I was humbled. Thank you Angie for letting me "tag along" it was truly a wonderful morning spent with you. So my commitment for this week is to "get into it" staring now!!!!
Have a great week in Psalm 119.
Hi Debbie, I hope that you do not mind that I am re-posting your comment here (I forgot to remove the comment section from the STC page posting.) This way we are all in the same place and don't get lost!
Praise God for our faithful and godly companions! I thank each of you girls that are reaching out to one another in love and faithfulness, you are a blessing to me today as well!
Hi Cathie,
Thank you for responding while it is still so fresh in our minds. I am still so excited about today. We talked about aquaintances versus companion and decided that all of us today were all companions and need to help each other. Sounded good. Well, there was a message on my phone from Joan encouraging me and telling me that if she could be of any help to call her and then Edna phoned to help me in looking up things in studylight. Isn't that wonderful. Both certainly showed their companionship to me. I am learning so much.....
Wendy L says she had a great time this morning also.....tried to start this weeks study this afternoon as I am away til Mon. morn from Fri morn......heading to Portland for our Free Enterprise weekend . Will catch up with you all on Monday. Have a great weekend!!!Love & Hugs, WL
Hi Cathie,
Thank you for your thousands of words!...we need them and are grateful for the time you spend teaching us. I am thinking that I must be the only one that found Vs:79 "May those who fear you turn to me, even those who know Your testimonies", confusing. I am hoping that it means that they may have the head knowledge only and he is wanting them to KNOW HIM the way he does. This also leads me to something that Marnie and I were discussing last night. In Vs:66 the psalmist is asking for good discernment and knowledge. What a wonderful combination but we wondered which one was more important and both came to the conclusion that we would rather have discernment if we could only have one. I am thinking that for me that knowledge part is becoming more and more elusive anyway.
Thank you Margaret, Debbie and Edna for your thoughtful comments. Thank you Joan, for checking up on me.
Debbie, you will get a laugh out of this...when you said you had to go because you were on fire I had a moment where I thought it was literal and you were burning something in your kitchen!
Hello to Carrie in Alberta, you have been on my mind and I have been wondering how you are doing.
I just read your comment Wendy and pray that you have a great time!
Hi Angie - just wanted to address your two queries regarding v.79 and v.66.
In v.79 when David prayed "May all who fear You turn to me, even those who know Your testimonies..." David is giving us a picture of Deuteronomy 11:29 and Deuteronomy 27 and 28.
Under the Old Covenant, Israel would have seen any affliction as a curse of God. In the context of Yodh, David has just been acknowledging before God that it was in "faithfulness that (God) had afflicted him." And in the context of Psalm 119 we know that David considered it "good that (he) was afflicted, that he may learn (God's) statutes" v.71 and that "before (he) was afflicted (he) went astray".
David's prayer was that those that loved and feared God, those that had turned from him in his affliction (cursed), would now turn to him in his restoration. Psalm 16:3 shows us how much his heart would have longed for this.
In v. 66 when David prays for God to teach him "good discernment and knowledge", one would not be in lieu of another. Just like faith and obedience, discernment and knowledge must go together... there is no discernment without knowledge.
The kind of knowledge that is spoken of here is DA'ATH. It is not just information, it involves the heart. It is knowledge that has entered in deeply and in turn results in discernment.
This is what inductive study is all about! It is not simply an intellectual pursuit, nor is it just 'supposing' what the Word of God says or means out of our own 'I think's'. It is reading and taking into context what God has said in a particular verse, chapter, book and the entire counsel of His Word. Does it take time and discipline? Yep! Is it worth it? It is life changing!
Love you Angie,
Hi Cathie,
Thank you for the information. It is well taken. For me, at this time I have needed to apply these Psalms personally and as some of the questions were how does this apply to you personally etc... I did. That is where my head and heart have been. I agree that if you have heart knowledge, discernment will follow but I think we were thinking in terms of our everyday life. That is what came up in our bible study and I wanted to share a little bit of our time together. We thought of what we see in the world today and it seemed so relevant. Knowledge increasing but discernment decreasing.
Thanks again Cathie and I love you too!!!
Hi Cathie,
I am still here! I too have been struggling a bit with the length of Lesson 3. I almost did not attend our group session on Thursday because I felt I was just going around and around not getting anywher. I thank God for my sisters because they were so helpful and reassuring. Joan has been a wealth of information that she has been digging out. Just talking to her really increases my understanding of what I am trying to learn about. She called me this morning with some exciting insights into "portion" which I got so hung up on when I was studying this week. I am a slow learner in the inductive studying and it takes me so long to search things out. I am struggling using the computer for searching as well. Cathie, I so appreciate the interactives that you have suggested to us. I was trying not to look at them until I had finished my own study but since I am having trouble doing that I haven't been seeing them until our group meets on Thursday. I find that your suggestions are soooooo helpful to me. I still am struggling without the extra help and support you give. You are a wonderful teacher; I so value you. I find your help like tutorials. I don't do very well on my own.
I thank God every day that He is so patient with me.
Love to all,
Dear Angie and Marnie,
I miss you both so much. Marnie, I only see you briefly in passing, but little time to talk. Angie, it's been only two weeks since we talked but it seems way too long to me. I love working with Bonnie at the church but so many of the people I was close to are not around anymore. Sometimes I feel a bit disconnected. I feel I have been called to work in Ridge Kids ministry and I feel like I am making a difference there but I miss seeing you two at Bible study on Thursday morning although I understand why it is the way it is.
Please take care of youselves, Marnie, How is Mark doing? I haven't talked to you much since he was injured. Maybe we can meet for coffee some time.
God bless you both.
In His name,
Hey Jan, nice to see you on the blog. I think our last gathering was very productive and encouraging. I think we are all struggling somewhat in different areas with the study. So hang in there and don't get discouraged. We are all learning even if it is one thing "we get" we are that much wiser than when we first began.So, He is moulding, shaping and getting us ready one step at a time.
I am not very familiar with the Psalms, just what I have learnt this past summer. Since I only know little snipits here and there about David, dear Joan suggested that I read
1 Sam 16-31 and 2 Sam to get his whole story. So I have decided before I venture further with wk 4 I am going to do just that.
Debbie I was so glad we ran into each other today, next time we must take the time to have a coffee. I alway enjoy your company.
Angie, I hope your time away will be a relaxing one, a time healing for you. XX
Takako, I am praying you are feeling better as each day goes by and I am looking forward to visiting with you again soon.
Cathie, you continue to be our teacher and mentor and you are so loved and appreciated. Without your guidance and encouragement
I can honestly say I would not have been where I am today in my walk with my Lord. I thank Him for putting me in your class last year and I thank Him for using my sisters (you know who you are) who persistantly(sp) encouraged me to attend.
He is so good and His love is everlasting and I am so glad.
Have a good week sisters.
Hi Cathie,
I am looking at your comment to pull up a chair and enjoy my time with my sisters... And I am!
Jan, it is so great to hear from you. You are doing exactly the right thing and those little ones that are under your care have one very special lady who loves her Lord, and it is a wonderful thing to behold!
Edna, you are so right in that God has given us exactly what we have needed and He is so very patient with us and LOVES US! Thank you for your precious encouragement.
Cathie, it was wonderful to hear your voice and have our "girl talk". It was almost as good as the "in person visit" that will happen soon. I know that you are feeling the love and gratitude that your sisters are sending out to you!
I think what is so evident as I have been reading all the comments is how much we need each other. It has helped us to know that we have struggled together and we are of one heart in our desire to...KNOW HIM. We are tasting...and it is good!
I am looking forward to a wee get-away, maybe a little shopping but my "sweeter than chocolate" is going with me...hmmm do I study first and then shop or...I'll let you know. I take you all with me in my thoughts and prayers.
Love, Always.
Hi Girls
How wonderful to hear all the comments!! I loved everyone of them and it reminds me of Jesus' commands to his diciples that they must love each other by this shall all men know that we are his diciples.
I too thought about reading the whole life of David to gain an understanding of many of the psalms and as joan suggested I have been reading 1Samuel 16 on to 11Samuel and onto the end of that book. I tell you girls its like reading an exciting novel and it shows so much Davids character how he did'nt return evil for evil and even blessed and mourned Saul in his death after Saul had tried to kill him several times.
Like many of you I have not found this study easy especially without Cathy there our wonderful leader, but I know God honors us for our efforts and like David we will continue to persevere.
Love you all!1
Cathie ,I so hope you enjoyed your soup!
, lets hope and pray you will be able to soon enjoy a lot more foods that you have had to do without for so long1
love Margaret
Hi Jan, it is so good to see you here! I am so glad that you did not miss your weekly gathering with your sisters... your heart is set on pilgrimage sweetheart and the Lord sees this. He has positioned your sisters 'for such a time as this' as well and I hope that you know (this is for all of you) that you can call me or e-mail me at ANY TIME if you need help in any way - that is why I am here.
And Jan, liberal portions of God's patience has been poured upon me as well, just you keep setting your sights upon Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of your faith, just as you have been, and know that you are NEVER alone.
I love you,
Cathie :o)
Margaret, thank you for your prayers. I have to tell you that I REALLY enjoyed my soup! It was just as good as I imagined it would be...even better. I am so grateful, so very grateful. And to know that you are praying for me means more that I could ever adequately express.
Ok, so Edna, Debbie, Angie, Margaret, Jan.... I am humbled by your kind words. I believe with all my heart that God each one of us, exactly where we are to be at this particular time on the Kingdom Calendar.
I have said it so often, because it is so true... I am humbled and honored to be counted among your number.
Your servant and sister,
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