Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sweeter Than Chocolate - Week Six!

May I say that it has been a pleasure studying Psalm 119 with you these past few weeks. As you have studied and discussed, God's Word has been hidden in your hearts and we are not the same girl's coming away from this study as we were coming in. Praise God!

By the way, if nothing else, these videos are meant to be used as a springboard for further discussion during your group time. I've left in all the goofs (keeps me humble) , just a little disclaimer though - headcolds can play havoc with simple clarity of thought (and so I just needed to make sure that I was being a little clearer than mud) so know this...

Those that love God's law (which is God's Word, which is Jesus because He has fulfilled the law) have Great Peace (Jesus being the Prince of Peace!)... and nothing causes them to stumble (in regards to their SALVATION WALK - not in reference to their SANCTIFICATION WALK).

This will make more sense after you watch the videos... I love you and look forward to seeing you on October 26th when we begin our new study in Revelation.

PS... I'll let you know who won the little Beaded Bookmark on Monday on the Pure Grace Home Page!

Your sister servant,

Video One

Video Two

Video Three


Edna H said...

What a wonderful way to wind up Ps 119 by doing week 6 (our last for 119) at Angie and Marnie's. It was so nice for all of us to sit together. Although Marnie was not able to sit in on the study, she was able to join us later. Missing from the picture was Cathie, we are praying you will be feeling better soon. We did get to "sit" with you (actually stood around Angie's computor) as we listened to your video's. Thanks for clearing up 165 that was rather confusing for me. Once again thank you to Joan who provided us with several pages of valuable information on word studies. I, for one am so glad that Joan is a teacher, although retired, she is still "teaching" and we are the beneficiaries.
We all enjoyed a delicious lunch prepared by Angie (Debbie, sorry you had to leave before you got to taste all that was offered)....homemade soup, assortment of buns to build our bunwhiches with apple or cherry strudel and coffee to end out meal. Thank you Angie for preparing such a wonderful feast and for sharing your home with us.
Ps 119 was a long one alright but I have learned much. Now, with much prayer the application and transformation begins.
See you all next week in Revelation......

Edna H said...

As I was driving home from grocery shopping this morning I was reflecting on Ps 119. I always seem to want to roll what I have just learned into as short as an explantion as possible. Now, I don;t know why, but that is just the way it is. All through 119 David (??)is pursued by his enemies, tormented mentally and physically. But he constantly cries out to, seeks and aknowledges God in all his circumstances and God is always there.David knows he is need of God and relies on Him in all situations, he trusts and depends on God's promises (129-139), mediating on His word day and night (97,147 & 148). God is always there, reasurring and loving. So after all is said and done. One thing (well, more than one, but this is the "big' one) stands out for me is "Be still, and know that I am God" Ps 46:10......

Angie said...

Hi Edna,
Thank you Edna. As soon as you quoted from Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God." it brought me back to a beautiful river I was sitting by this past summer during our "Summer in the Psalms" study. That was the exact verse that God impressed upon my heart and it will continue to stay there. So now it is a BIG ONE for both of us! In our Inductive Bible it says "Cease striving, and know that I am God." It is the KNOWING HIM" that is a gift as we have gone deeper together. The last two lines of that verse say, "I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." I think we really have something to look forward to in our Revelation Study as we are going to be studying that in a BIG WAY!

To all my friends who were willing to come over to my home and share the last study together, I want to say THANK YOU! That comes from Marnie as well. It felt like a big celebration to me...and it more ways than one. I remember looking around the table and there was Edna, Debbie, Joan, Wendy, Cat, Margaret and Jan and it was "A Good Thing." The conversation flowed and as the study got deeper, sometimes we would linger just a LITTLE too long on a certain subject and someone would have to remind us to get back on track and we did. And I noticed that ALWAYS we went back to see what GOD SAID. Thank you! Cathie for posting on Thursday morning because it helped us at a most opportune time. The timing was perfect and it was good to have you be a part of us. ABIDE in God's Word... that is the greatest thing that we have learned from you Cathie and what will serve us so well as "we press" on and "lean in" as Sisters in Christ. We have come so far from our first time together and just think where we will be after Revelation!... See you there!

DebbieS said...

Well here I am again ready to bare my soul to my sisters. First I would just like to thank Angie for having us all over - it was such a beautiful way to end this study and I am so sorry that you couldn't make it Cathie but thank you for giving us the videos and I sure hope you are feeling better. I just love all my sisters that are doing this study. Everyone has been so supportive of each other. I can't even begin to explain how much I have grown in this study. I found this morning very interesting. I woke up feeling very sad and empty and couldn't figure out what was wrong. I had a talk with God and asked him to be especially close to me today because for some reason I really needed his presence right beside me. Well the morning went on but I still couldn't get rid of that empty feeling and yet God blessed me several times during that time. As I was driving home and questioning myself about my feelings it suddenly dawned on me I WAS MISSING MY BIBLE STUDY ALREADY! It is like finishing a good book and feeling a part of you went with the book. Well that is exactly how I felt and then realized that God is now telling me to take up the torch and see what I can do on my own for the next week. I have been so used to doing a directed study that I guess I am a bit apprehensive of what to do on my own but I am looking forward to the challenge.

Cathie, thank you so much for guiding us through this study and I am really looking forward to next week. See all of you soon!

Cathie said...

"Cease striving and know that I am God" - Edna I just know that both you and Angie will take this to heart in your walk with Christ.

We cannot be striving, either 'for' or 'against' circumstance or situations and truly know God in the midst of the striving. There is spiritual rest in Jesus and He would have us enter into this rest fully each and every moment of our lives.

Debbie, I know exactly what you mean! I'm in Philippians this week, the epistle of 'joy', as I prepare myself before God for leading and teaching the Revelation study.

Just a few more days sweetheart, and you will be gathering once again with your sisters, ready to embark on a study that few have undertaken to study personally, for themselves.

You are such an encouragement and joy to me!
Love you!